Quick Guide To Radio Broadcast Transmission

Your studio is already set up and it’s now time to go LIVE! Right? Well, there is the issue of how to get that audio to your audience. In Kenya, FM radio is the most common, and profitable, form of broadcast. This is why most of the infrastructure to support it has been set up across the country. Installation might be a grueling task for a small team (such as ours about a month ago), but the outcome becomes far more rewarding than I expected. In this post I go over the technologies that make radio broadcast transmission possible.

Here’s How You Make Sound Decisions on Acoustics

Pun obviously intended. The effects of sound in some industries has an important effect on the quality of work produced as well as in some key applications, especially in the field of broadcast that I currently work in. Sound is the perceived pressure produced by the propagation of energy through a medium released when matter vibrates, while acoustics is the branch of physics that deals with the production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound.

5 Things to Consider When Choosing an Automation/Playout Software for Your TV or Radio Studio

Broadcast automation is a crucial part of any modern radio or TV studio. A playout software is an application whose main function is to allow you to schedule and transmit media from your studio to your audience. For TV and radio studios this is a major component of the overall broadcast system and needs to be chosen very carefully. Typically, playout softwares are located in the master control room of a studio where all the feeds available are directed to it. These may include audio and video feeds from other sources such as live content from video switchers, media files located locally in the computer or a networked storage, incoming OB content e.t.c.

Getting to know Visual Radio: The Future of Radio Broadcast

There comes a time when a concept that has been in use for decades is suddenly challenged by modern ideas. Such an idea is visual radio and, since its conception, has been widely adopted in Europe and America. This technological advancement is now creeping into Kenya. Will it have an impact? My recent experience setting up a visual radio studio has led me to believe it is an investment worth paying attention to. Let’s review and explore this technology and what we could expect from it.

Working as a Broadcast Systems Engineer

It is mid-August 2017 and I have been working as a broadcast engineering intern at Byce Broadcast and Technologies Kenya Limited, a system integrator company that offers turn-key solutions for TV and radio broadcasting. This business has a steep learning curve and I am required to learn real fast. Thankfully, the work is interesting and the fast changing technologies in this industry means that I’ll never stop learning.

Ten Essential Skills for Electrical Engineers by Barry L. Dorr, Chapter 10 Part 1 Summary

Ten Essential Skills for Electrical Engineers is a wonderful book and at the writing of this post I am summarizing the fifth chapter. However, I couldn’t resist skipping over to read the tenth chapter, GETTING A JOB – KEEPING A JOB – ENJOYING YOUR WORK. In this chapter, Dave a 74 year old friend of the author and successful engineer, joins in writing this chapter. Together with Dorr, they provide suggestions on getting and enjoying an engineering career in the following ways: Positively distinguishing yourself from other job applicants Distinguishing yourself in the workplace