Off-Grid Communications For The Masses: Smart Metering

In East Africa, a large percent of the population still does not have access to electrical energy and its benefits. To address this, several companies have developed micro-grids to provide AC power to rural East Africa. In order to sustain these grids, a remote, robust communication system has to be developed for purposes of metering and billing. In this post, I propose several efficient designs of a communication system that could be used to monitor and manage off-grid customers. Specifically, it proposes the technologies that can be used, the hardware and software implementation of such as system and how it can make business sense addressing equipment and operation costs.

What a Systems Engineer Can Do For You: 7 Guiding Principles

For several months now I have worked as a systems engineer in the broadcast field. Having applied myself as one during this period, I have realized there are certain best practices to consider while working as one. Research on this topic led me to understand the principles and processes guiding the work of systems engineers in all sorts of fields like manufacturing, defense, telecommunications, power systems. All follow standard models to execute their duties and in this post I shall elaborate what they are.

Getting to know Visual Radio: The Future of Radio Broadcast

There comes a time when a concept that has been in use for decades is suddenly challenged by modern ideas. Such an idea is visual radio and, since its conception, has been widely adopted in Europe and America. This technological advancement is now creeping into Kenya. Will it have an impact? My recent experience setting up a visual radio studio has led me to believe it is an investment worth paying attention to. Let’s review and explore this technology and what we could expect from it.

Recognizing “ndiyo” and “hapana” speech using MATLAB algorithms and FFT functions

Ndiyo means yes in Swahili and hapana means no. The two words were chosen as they can be used to make very simple applications that may require a yes/no response such as an automatic telephone prompt system. Swahili translations of yes/no applies to the national language of Kenya, and an interface that recognizes the words can be used in local applications.

Using KiCad EDA to Build Electronic Components and Design Schematics

KiCad is a free development software for electronic design automation (EDA) that I have been looking around into to designing my final year school project (more on that later) schematics. KiCad is extensively developed and used almost exclusively by CERN! With a lot of online documentation, support and large communities, the experience of using this software has been mostly uncomplicated and a lot of fun.