What a Systems Engineer Can Do For You: 7 Guiding Principles

For several months now I have worked as a systems engineer in the broadcast field. Having applied myself as one during this period, I have realized there are certain best practices to consider while working as one. Research on this topic led me to understand the principles and processes guiding the work of systems engineers in all sorts of fields like manufacturing, defense, telecommunications, power systems. All follow standard models to execute their duties and in this post I shall elaborate what they are.

Are We Ready For The Future? 4 Trends We Need To Look Out For

Whether we like it or not, the future is already here with us. Hot terms like AI and machine learning have been with us for some time now. Automation is rapidly replacing manpower and only the owners of such technology seem to be benefiting. Consumption encouraged with the masses as they reap rewards. What does this mean for us in the technical landscape? Like our ancestors before us, we adapt. In this article we look at some trends in broadcast and media content delivery and their technical implications in engineering.